Released in 2009, Avatar, directed by James Cameron, stars Sam Worthington and Zoe Saldana. With a staggering budget of $237 million, it's a visually stunning epic set on the alien world of Pandora.
Released in 1975, 'Jaws' directed by Steven Spielberg starred Roy Scheider, with a budget of $9 million. It became a cultural phenomenon, blending suspense and horror, defining the summer blockbuster genre
Released in 1948, 'Rope' directed by Alfred Hitchcock stars James Stewart. Shot in a single take style, it follows two men who commit murder. Made on a modest budget, it's a suspenseful classic
Alfred Hitchcock's iconic thriller 'Psycho' (1960) stars Anthony Perkins as Norman Bates. It revolutionized horror with its shocking twists. Made on a modest budget of $806,947, it became a timeless classic.
Released in 1977, 'Star Wars: A New Hope' stars Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, and Carrie Fisher. Directed by George Lucas, it revolutionized cinema with its $11 million budget, becoming a cultural phenomenon.